Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why We Are Drifting Farther From God

            I realize that the thought that all of the religions are interconnected, that they're all based upon the same lessons and that they're all designed to lead us back to God is a lot to try to absorb.
             What I have learned over the last ten years of communing with God is that there is only one true form of idolatry and that is self-worship, which is the very same disease that Lucifer suffers from.
             In trying to understand how best to communicate the idea that all life-affirming religions are related, I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me. The vision that I received was very simple and hopefully, will prove to be very effective.
            Imagine a standard deck of 52 cards. We all have some understanding of card games and how some card combinations are more valuable than others, depending upon the game being played. The major religions of the world are like poker hands. Hindus believe in many spirits so we could imagine their hand to be one of each kind of card, ace through king. Since Jesus is considered spiritual royalty, let's imagine a Christian hand being represented by a royal flush. Other religions, represented by other hands, could be a straight, or four of a kind, or all even cards, or all odd cards, or all face cards, etc. The effectiveness of this example doesn't lie in the metaphor of the hands assembled, but rather in what happens when you flip all of the hands over. When we do that, we now begin to understand that they have all been created with cards that have the same pattern, the same message, the same energy on their back the energy of God's love, the Christ energy. They are all assembled from elements of a larger system, 52 playing cards, and they are all based upon the same principles, even though we tend to get caught up focusing upon the face side of the cards we prefer.
            Some might find it hard to accept that the Trinity and Allah are actually the same energy, but this would be the ego promoting superficial differences rather than the Christ energy promoting common sight. Those souls who feel comfortable judging and hating others will find it impossible to consider that there is only one reality for all, but these are the aggressive souls who carry their beliefs in their minds, and on their tongues, and in their fists.
            True faith exists in the heart, and in the soul, and in the open palm.
            We consider our world to be a complicated place, full of overlapping, interlaced and seemingly unsolvable problems. Darkness and evil renamed violence, poverty, hunger, genocide, war and disease seem to run rampant in many places around the globe. Many people wonder where God is and how He could have created such evil, or, if He didn't create it, how He could allow it to exist.
            We should be pleased that God doesn't answer our prayers to eradicate evil from our world, for if He did answer, we wouldn't be here, for we are the evil that runs rampant in the world.
             Leaving the subjects of reincarnation and balancing karma for another time, the most immediate example of how we all create darkness and evil in the world is through our daily thoughts and actions. Most people seem to believe that if they don't break one of the Ten Commandments, then they're good people, living admirable lives.
             From God's perspective, that simply isn't so.
             From God's perspective life is very simple. There are only two real choices in any given situation. Either we act in a loving manner or we are selfish, and every one of us chooses between these two perspectives with every action we take throughout each day, and many more times than not, we pick poorly.
            Consider your soul to be a bowl, and throughout the course of the day you make decisions that determine what will be placed within your soul, a white marble indicating that you acted in a loving, caring fashion, or a black marble indicating that you've acted selfishly. As human beings we've learned ways to make other people think that our motivations are generous when, from God's point of view, they're merely self-serving.
            A mother takes her child to a shoe store to get new shoes. There's a world of spiritual difference between the mother who says, "If you can't find shoes that don't pinch we'll go somewhere else (white marble)" and "Pick the pair that hurt the least (black marble)."
             When we do something for others to maintain our own reputation in some way it is not an act of love. It is not brotherly love, or sisterly love, or kindness, or compassion, or unconditional love. A person builds a new hospital wing as a tax write-off (black marble). A person makes a donation to a worthy cause anonymously (white marble).
            How sad is it that stating that sex is not love is probably necessary in our culture. Sex is about meeting a personal need and so it does not qualify for a white marble and buying dinner and flowers to get sex doesn't qualify for a white marble either. Lust is not a form of true love, no matter what the ego tries to tell you.
             As a teacher I spend each year getting to know my many students. In my thirty years I am saddened by the dismally few students whom I would consider to be potential white marble people that I've met.
             Most of my students earned decent grades, but that doesn't change the situation that their energies remained focused upon their own opinions, their own needs, and their own immediate entertainment. Very few of them tried to consciously be the very best person they could be. Over the last decade, I have had to stop my curriculum many times in order to teach the concept of personal integrity because students no longer learn it at home or, it seems, at their place of worship, and they certainly aren't going to find it hidden in their iPod or in their video games.
            As long as we spend our time trying to worship ourselves through our never ending selfishness, the devil will do everything he can to help us succeed in becoming just like him. "What's in it for me?" is his mantra.
            Humankind is slowly teaching itself everything it can about self-idolatry, and true love, the one thing in the universe that can save our souls, is becoming more of a mystery.
             If every person in the world earned one white marble a day, the world would be a dramatically different place.
            It would begin to fill with love.

            "Of all the ways you can think of, none has a sixteenth part of the value of lovingkindness.        Lovingkindness is a freedom of the heart which takes in all the ways. It is luminous, shining, blazing forth. "

             "Is there any one maxim which ought to be acted upon throughout one's whole life?  Surely the maxim of loving kindness is such."

             "Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people's suffering. On these lines every religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal."
             The Dalai Lama

             "Kindness is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations."
             Hinduism: Paramahansa Yogananda

             "And hold fast, all together, by the rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not     divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth God make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided."
             Islam: Mohammed

            "Deeds of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments."
            Judaism: The Talmud

             "I love all religions. ... If people become better Hindus, better Muslims, better Buddhists by our acts of love, then there is something else growing there."
             "All is God--Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, etc., all have access to the same God."
             Mother Teresa

             "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
             Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson

             Embrace, embody, and then emulate Love.

Jesus, the Cross, and What Came Afterwards

            Although my early church experiences attempted to teach me about Jesus and God, the greatest lessons that I ever learned came through visions from the Holy Spirit throughout my life.

             John 14:26
             26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

             Through moments of enlightenment, the Holy Spirit taught me that although other great spiritual leaders of the past have incarnated and been filled almost completely with the Christ energy of God's Love, Jesus is the ONLY 100% manifestation. Every incarnation of this Love energy, whether it exists within Buddha, or within Mohammad, was sent here for the same purpose, to offer another path of love back to Heaven.
             Jesus lived a sinless and perfect life. Some people have said, "If he was a man, then how could he have been perfect?" This confusion comes from the fact that the world has no real idea what sin is.
            Sin is an act of selfishness, an act devoid of love, and trespass is a sin that actually impacts another's life. As the only 100% incarnation of love, his entire perspective of life, his entire operating system, if you will, was based upon the energies of loving and being compassionate to all others. Where we choose to love or not, Jesus didn't have that defect of perception. He merely loved, period, at all times and under all circumstances.
             Jesus was a man in every way except that he never embraced the perspectives that all of the rest of us are infected with. We all believe in lack, and loss, and hatred, and judgment, and retribution, to name but a few, and these fears cause us all to sin and trespass against others. Jesus' mind and soul didn't possess these misleading and destructive illusions. Jesus could do what we cannot. He saw clearly, he heard clearly, he reasoned clearly, and he acted clearly, without tripping over his own or anyone else's personal, spiritual, or emotional baggage.
             Jesus had no ego.
            The ego tells us that we much be selfish because everyone else is. It also tells us that we must grab and hold on to things because if we don't, we'll end up with nothing. The ego is the small voice that tells us that no one can be trusted, that everyone is angling for their own benefit, and that preservation of the self at all costs is an acceptable life view.
            The ego is a training tool, and like training wheels, it will eventually have no purpose in a soul's journey back to God.
            Jesus, in every thought and action, interacted with the world motivated by love, preaching love, and eventually giving his life in an act of love.
             Christianity embraces his death on the cross as paying for the sins of the world. He did take our sins upon his shoulders when he died, but it wasn't metaphoric.
            People gloss over the darkness that fell over the world and the fact that God
 the Father, removed Himself from Jesus at that time of his crucifixion.

             Luke 23:44-45
             44And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.
            45And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.

             The darkness was alive and virulent. All of the evil energies that would ever be created, past, present, and future, were funneled down upon Jesus and into his soul and he writhed in pain. It was not the physical pain of the nails and the scourging, but the soul pain of being drowned in spiritual stench and choking evil.
            People wonder why Jesus prayed in the garden for the cup to be taken from him if
 there was another way. Jesus was concerned about the moment when he would be separated from God. Jesus faced being completely immersed in the cesspool stench and spirit rot of the sins of this universe WITHOUT God the Father helping him survive in any way.
             This was the cosmic moment of conflict. This was when the power of love took on in one-to-one, hand-to-hand struggle, the power of selfishness and evil.
             Jesus accepted this load of evil into his soul and then left his body, his spirit traveling to the lowest energy dimension of all, the Abyss, the domain of Lucifer, the only place where the Spirit of God does not freely dwell.
            There he confronted Lucifer in his "garden". The Holy Spirit took me to visit Lucifer's "garden" and it was a truly horrific place. Christians believe that before Jesus died on the cross that stolen souls were held prisoner by Lucifer in the Abyss. This is true, but it also contained the inert bodies of the loyal angels who had valiantly pushed Lucifer and his mind-numbed minions far from Heaven during the time of the Book of Esther.
            The angels had fought valiantly for the cause, but Lucifer allowed the fight to draw them far from the divine light. As they fought on they grew weaker because they were far from the source of their energy. They refused to allow Lucifer to re-energize them with his polluted, malignant remnants of what had once been pure God energy, and so they became weak and eventually lifeless, incorruptible bodies. They were strewn about the grounds of the Abyss, much like the terrible pictures that one might have seen of the Nazi prison camps at the end of WWII.
            Jesus stood before Lucifer, among the lifeless bodies of his beloved companions, and accepted Lucifer's taunts. Lucifer, the Spirit of Selfishness and Evil, was certain that he'd won, that Jesus, the Spirit of God's Love, was actually succumbing to the immense weight bearing down upon his soul.
            Jesus humbly bowed his head, and when he looked back up, the universe was never to be the same again .
            The love light inside of Jesus flamed with a brilliance that would have made the sun seem like a candle. The sin weight of the world disintegrated instantly. The lifeless bodies of the children of light were returned to life. The prisons of the Abyss were blasted asunder and the forces of evil would never again be able to believe that they could ultimately overcome the powers of Heaven.
             That was the moment when Lucifer lost all of the souls that he had stolen and he had to change his tactics, but that's a story for another day.
            Jesus returned everyone back to Heaven, and humankind, through Christianity, got a very clear, but not the only, spiritual path back to Heaven.

Spiritual Salvation

             Let's look at a soul who never had any chance of meeting Jesus.
            According to the Christian Church, the Chinese philosopher Confucius has been condemned to the fires of hell. Why? He NEVER could've embraced Jesus because Jesus simply didn't exist in his world. Confucius lived about 500 years before Jesus was born!
             "The keynote of Confucian ethics is jen, variously translated as `love,' `goodness,' `humanity,' and `human-heartedness.' In human relations, construed as those between one person and another, jen is manifested in chung, or faithfulness to oneself and others, and shu, or altruism, best expressed in the Confucian golden rule, `Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.'"
             We now have an admirable individual who ventured forth to spread love and make the world a better place, and yet Christian tradition would say that God has no respect or use for this soul because he didn't personally know Jesus.
             Is there ANY verse in the Bible that shows that God had any affection for the millions of souls who lived and died without knowing Jesus?

             Yes, there is.

             I John 4:7
            7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

             There is something that the world has continually overlooked about Jesus.
             Jesus is NOT just a person limited in time and place. Before he incarnated, he was the living Christ energy, which is to say, the energy of God's Love.
             Mother Mary said it best when she declared in:

             John 1:1
            1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

             The Gospel of John was written my Mother Mary and transcribed by Mary Magdalene, and the beloved disciple at the foot of the cross wasn't John at all, but that's a discussion for another day.
             Jesus is "the Word", which is accepted without challenge in every fundamentalist Christian church, but what the world doesn't realize is that the real word that his name is interchangeable with is "Love".
             Jesus and Christ and Love all mean the same thing!
             If Jesus and Love mean the same thing, did Confucius know Jesus? By specific name no, but by energy and intention
            Does Confucius fulfill God's requirement that he be filled with the essence and energy of His only Son, Jesus?
             So that means that Jesus' pure message has always been to embrace, embody and emulate Love, as he demonstrated for us. Then, as he declared, NO ONE could come to the Father except through Love, otherwise known as the Son.
             Christians will say that the Bible and Jesus mandate that a person needs to be baptized in order to be in compliance with desiring spiritual salvation, and Confucius and members of non-Christian religions are NOT recognized as baptized and so are NOT in compliance with God's plan.

             Mark 16:16
            16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

            John 3:4-6
            4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
            5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
             6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

             As for the specifics of baptism, to physically incarnate is to be "born of water". Each and every human being has already achieved the first part of the mandate by being a soul contained in a human body, which is mostly water.
             The actual process of baptism lies in the second part, which is a call for a soul to shift their priorities from selfishness to love, which is what it means to be "born of the spirit". The external water element is completely symbolic and has nothing to do with whether or not a soul has committed to be "born of the spirit".
            By these perspectives Jesus, the Spirit of Love, was alive and well in Confucius' life. He was indeed baptized in the spirit for he was spreading God's truth of Love and he was welcomed by Jesus into Heaven.
            We need to understand that God's Love is not exclusive.

            1 John 4:7-21.
             7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.
            8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
            9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. (This clearly states that Jesus, His only begotten Son, is manifested love!)
            10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the            propitiation for our sins.
            11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
            12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.
            13 Hereby know that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit. (His spirit is his Love, or Jesus perspective, inside each of us.)
            14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the    world. (God's Love, also known as Jesus, will indeed save the world.)
            15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus (the Spirit of Love) is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
            16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
            17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.
            18 There is no fear (which is selfishness or sin or darkness) in love; but perfect Love (the Spirit of Jesus) casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in Love.
            19 We love him, because He Loved us first.
            20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
            21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

Christian Conundrums

            Although it will seem like what I'm sharing here is just for Christians, my message is actually for all religions to consider. There is a classic story of several men standing in a dark room trying to describe an elephant that is with them. Each one can only understand the part that they can touch. They all have come to different conclusions, and yet the elephant remains seemingly unknowable.
             God has allowed me a few instances of being able to see in the dark.
             If I had to label my family anything relating to religion, I'd label them Grumbling Atheists or flat out extensions of Lucifer, for although they will enter a church if the occasion requires them to attend a funeral or a wedding, like cats in a room full of rocking chairs, they'll probably sit in the back and make sure that there's easy access to the exits.
             I was the only one in the family who attended church regularly, which got me the occasional comment like, "Goody two-shoes" from my mother, and "fish-boy" from my younger brother, who would often try to punctuate his comment with a slap to the back of my head.
            For many years I described myself as a born-again Baptist and I sang in the choir of the relatively small Baptist church at the end of my street. Even as I tried to accept everything that was being shared with me from the pulpit, I realized that there were several aspects of Christianity that made little or no sense to me. Over the years these conundrums grew until I finally left the church in February of 1989, right after my beloved pastor inexplicably hanged himself in his church office.
             Yes, you heard me correctly my Baptist pastor hanged himself.
            By experiencing periods of enlightenment, which is the ability to see through God's eyes, and through personal visions provided by the Holy Spirit, I can tell you that he's doing fine now, but his journey is a discussion best left for another time.
            There are many places in the New Testament where Jesus declared that the path to spiritual salvation is specifically through him, which causes Christians to conclude that all who are not declared Christians are heretics, idolaters, and doomed, which seems like a rather confrontational thing for one third of the world to say to the remaining two-thirds.

             John 5:22-23
            22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.
            23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

             John 14:6
             6 I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

             John 14:11-14
            11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
             12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
            13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
             14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

             Christianity believes that a person has only one lifetime and that they must find and commit specifically to Jesus during that one lifetime.
            Anyone not proclaiming to be a Christian before they die will be judged and thrown into hell at the End of Times.
            My dead pastor tried to teach me that these things are so, and yet how does this belief align with the actions of a loving God? There have been untold millions of souls who could NEVER have met these simple requirements.

 Christian Conundrum #1
            What happens to souls who die who are too young to consciously choose Jesus as their personal savior, like premature babies?

 Christian Conundrum #2
            What happens to those who are mentally challenged who cannot possibly comprehend the concept of Jesus or spiritual salvation?

 Christian Conundrum #3
             What does God do with the soul that has never heard about Jesus in their entire life and has no chance to be saved, like an aboriginal person in the wild backlands of Australia?

 Christian Conundrum #4
            What about people who are admirable in thought and deed, but who choose not to have any type of religious affiliation because they feel they have been betrayed by their religious leaders? Shall the actions of evil masquerading as good have the spiritual authority to ultimately condemn an injured soul?

 Christian Conundrum #5
            What will God do about all of the people who lived before Jesus? How can they possibly be saved? What will happen to their souls? How were Adam and Eve judged?

             "No Jesus, no salvation" seems to be Christianity's cold rote response in this bumper sticker mentality world.
             Some might say the there was a special covenant between Jehovah and the Jews through Moses and Abraham, but there still is no denying the fact that the Jews never knew of Jesus, and so, by a strict and literal interpretation of the New Testament, cannot be saved. But even if Jewish souls of the Old Testament were treated in a manner outside the commonly understood mandates of the New Testament, what happened to the souls of the Gentiles of ancient times?
            Those untold millions and billions of heartlessly doomed souls would represent the biggest Christian conundrum of all.
             In my experience, Christianity has a habit of not asking itself exactly what happened to all of these souls. When I was young and foolish enough to ask questions of those more scholarly than myself, the non-answers I got were all basically the same, "It's just another of God's mysteries that we are not meant to know at this time."
             These answers never made sense to me.
             The God I knew would have a plan in place where everyone would be given an equal and fair chance of finding their way back home to Heaven. However, in order for that assumption to be true, spiritual salvation must've been equally available to Adam and Eve, the ancient gentiles, the ancient Jews, and every soul who was ever born in ANY physical or mental condition in ANY place on the planet at ANY time.
             In addition, since I know Jesus personally and I accept what the Bible has to say about him as truth, somehow Jesus must also be inextricably tied to this eternal plan of spiritual salvation, even though the world hasn't realized it as yet. For, as I suggested earlier, logically, there can only be one reality.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fact and fiction.

If I don't come to my senses and stop posting things here, then the reader should probably know that this blog material comes from various sources.  Big chunks may come from the series of novels (5) that I wrote about an incarnated angel ( - Ophan, Prince of Thrones).  Essays may come from an online forum that I posted to for many years where people discussed various questions relating to religion and God's mysteries, like what happens after death.  I may post some stories that I wrote as examples for my high school classes. 

No matter what I post here, my purpose will always be the same, and that is to challenge the reader to consider things outside of the traditions and "beliefs" of others.

Believing is seeing - but how does one talk about the supernatural to a world full of people who have NEVER been touched by it?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
- Hamlet

Why Most People Can't See God.

Chapter 15
Spectacles of Confusion

            Let’s start with a simple question. 
            Why can’t people see God?
            Most of the world is spending at least part of their waking hours searching for God.  Why can’t we see Him? 
            For all intents and purposes, mankind is blind.
            Mankind wears several layers of spectacles which blind them to seeing almost anything clearly. 
            Each and every person has a set of soul eyes that can see God and all of His wonderful works.  Think of your eyes as a pair of divine gifts, through which you can see everything clearly, like Superman’s super vision.  You can see through walls, across time, into other dimensions, and even catch glimpses of possible futures.  Your innate visual abilities have no limitations and are controlled by God Himself, because He determines what you should see and when, in order for your soul to grow at its proper rate.
            You don’t believe me, do you?
            You think, “I’ve never experienced any of these abilities and so I don’t believe that they exist.  They are mind tricks, or ploys of the devil to ensnare my mind.”  If a person says, “I just saw my grandmother who died yesterday,” our general reaction is along the lines of, “That’s freaky,” although we don’t usually share that thought at the time.           
            There is a reason why most people are blind and afraid of the sighted.
            You are unable to see with your divine eyes because you have serious vision impairment, caused by the layers of spectacles that we wear over our divine eyes, blocking our vision. 
            The first layer that blurs our vision is the layer relating to our body or race.  The first thing that we all learn is that we are contained within a body, and that body is a type, and each type of body teaches us to see its way. 
            For example, I am a Caucasian male, so the first two natural layers of spectacles over my eyes would be a layer of tan pink, my skin color, and then a layer of light blue, because I am a male. 
            You may think that I’m merely being metaphoric, but I’m not. 
            Our skin color teaches us how to view our world, and so does our sex.  Everyone that I have ever known in my life has reinforced how wonderful it is to see the world through tan pink spectacles.  Those who wear other cultural spectacles, like caramel for Negro, golden for Asian, or brick red for Indian, might be well aware of what a tan pink’s view of the world historically seems to be.  Conversely, tan pinks are notorious for being challenged in the area of viewing through other cultural colors. 
            We see and interpret the world through our skin color.
            Next we have the sex color: pink for girl, blue for boy, and lavender for a body/psyche mismatch.  Before someone mentally takes me to task for the lavender metaphor, please be reminded that we are all a ball of God’s Light about as big as a large marble, and we really have no sex – our sex merely being an assigned role to learn life’s different perspectives. 
            Anyway, a boy filter alters perception in additional ways.  A boy is expected to be tough and macho and should keep his feelings under control and…well, you’re all smart enough to recognize the pattern of this silliness. 
            Girls have a pink pair of spectacles and they are supposed to view the world in a Barbie-esque fashion. 
            Lavenders view the world uniquely too, and it’s usually with an extra scoop of apprehension and fear because many of the blues and the pinks have decided that lavenders are somehow evil.  I could tell you all about the life missions of lavenders, but that would just muddy up this story, and so let’s just accept lavenders with Love and move on.
            Now let’s look at the myriad other layers that block our view. 
            We all belong to a family. 
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We feel we honor our parents by adopting their views. 
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We all live in a country. 
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We all have our cultural roots somewhere.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We all have a personal view on God.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We discuss how to convert the unenlightened. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We watch the news. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We read the newspapers. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We value politics. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We pick sides. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We value money. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We acquire possessions. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We value power.  
                        Slap on another layer.
            We are afraid to be powerless.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We seek position. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We have fears. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We have insecurities. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We have failings. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            There are things we do well and are prideful of.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            There are things that we don’t do well and avoid.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re afraid that we don’t matter.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re afraid that life has no meaning.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re emotionally confused.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re spiritually adrift. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We are jealous. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We are hateful and resentful.
                        Slap on another layer.
            We realize that we know nothing for certain, except for life’s illusions.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We are afraid to stand alone and seek truth for ourselves.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We need to be loved and accepted by others.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We are afraid that we are not loved and accepted by God.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We are afraid that God is dead.
                        Slap on another layer.

            Can anyone see through this endless collection of overlapping spectacles that blurs, influences, adjusts and limits our sight?
            I challenge you to ask God to peel these things from in front of your eyes so that you may see the world as God meant you to see it.
            God’s Love is always there, patient and attentive. 
            You have merely to open the door and let it into your life.
            If you don’t embrace Love, you will never see God.