Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Let me start by publicly stating that I am insane, bonkers, a whacko, a nut job, out of my mind, around the bend, and psychologically disturbed.  That being said, the reader will now have no reason to dwell upon or bring up the condition of my insanity because I have publicly stated it for all to see. 

ANYONE who decides to read on beyond this point has two choices:
1.  They can take everything that they read as fiction, or as a fanciful suggestion to promote deeper spiritual thinking, or...
2.  They can consider that what is shared here is based upon actual events and inexplicable occurrences that few, if any, have ever experienced before.

The choice, obviously, is the reader's.  If, however, one decides to stay and read on, I do ask that a certain degree of politeness be maintained between you, the reader, and me, the insane author. 

It is not my intention to challenge the "beliefs" of other people.  I will not be using the word "belief" here because what I share is going to come from personal experience (John 14:26), NOT from research, tradition or hypothesis.

It is not my intention to start a new religion.  The world has plenty of religions, but it needs to practice them more purely, as I shall feebly try to explain.

It is not my intention to promote one religion as being foremost above all the others, for in my experience, religions are 31 flavors of God's ice cream.  For the sake of the Christian reader to keep you from exiting immediately, I will say that I know Jesus the CHRIST to be the sole 100% incarnation of God's Love (the term CHRIST meaning exactly that - the sole 100% incarnation of God's Love), however, since Jesus and Love are totally interchangeable terms, the Christ energy can be found within ANY who sincerely Love.  Many Christians would like to believe that it is only they who sincerely Love, but according to the Holy Spirit (John 14:26) 90% of the world, which would include 90% of the Christians seated in their various pews HAVE NO SPIRITUAL CONNECTION WHATSOEVER TO GOD.  The Holy Spirit states that they have a mental understanding of the concept of God and Jesus, but no supernatural connection within their soul.

THAT is a very sobering thought, but it explains how some Christians can use Jesus' name like a club on others and never see the irony that Jesus taught Love and they share judgment.

First obvious proof of my insanity - I allude to seeing and having been personally taught by the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus said we would be in John 14:26.  I know the Holy Spirit's secret name.

The real question is - do YOU want to know the Holy Spirit's secret name?  If yes, then read on in Love and with an open mind.  If no, then God bless you and you will not like it here so have a nice day.

Edward L. Paciorek

I begin this blog intentionally the day after Martin Luther King Jr's holiday, for he was an active extension of God's Love and had the Christ energy within him.  May each post from this moment on be filled with God's Love, the Christ energy, and the spirit of Truth, by whatever names the reader has chosen to worship them by.

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