Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why Most People Can't See God.

Chapter 15
Spectacles of Confusion

            Let’s start with a simple question. 
            Why can’t people see God?
            Most of the world is spending at least part of their waking hours searching for God.  Why can’t we see Him? 
            For all intents and purposes, mankind is blind.
            Mankind wears several layers of spectacles which blind them to seeing almost anything clearly. 
            Each and every person has a set of soul eyes that can see God and all of His wonderful works.  Think of your eyes as a pair of divine gifts, through which you can see everything clearly, like Superman’s super vision.  You can see through walls, across time, into other dimensions, and even catch glimpses of possible futures.  Your innate visual abilities have no limitations and are controlled by God Himself, because He determines what you should see and when, in order for your soul to grow at its proper rate.
            You don’t believe me, do you?
            You think, “I’ve never experienced any of these abilities and so I don’t believe that they exist.  They are mind tricks, or ploys of the devil to ensnare my mind.”  If a person says, “I just saw my grandmother who died yesterday,” our general reaction is along the lines of, “That’s freaky,” although we don’t usually share that thought at the time.           
            There is a reason why most people are blind and afraid of the sighted.
            You are unable to see with your divine eyes because you have serious vision impairment, caused by the layers of spectacles that we wear over our divine eyes, blocking our vision. 
            The first layer that blurs our vision is the layer relating to our body or race.  The first thing that we all learn is that we are contained within a body, and that body is a type, and each type of body teaches us to see its way. 
            For example, I am a Caucasian male, so the first two natural layers of spectacles over my eyes would be a layer of tan pink, my skin color, and then a layer of light blue, because I am a male. 
            You may think that I’m merely being metaphoric, but I’m not. 
            Our skin color teaches us how to view our world, and so does our sex.  Everyone that I have ever known in my life has reinforced how wonderful it is to see the world through tan pink spectacles.  Those who wear other cultural spectacles, like caramel for Negro, golden for Asian, or brick red for Indian, might be well aware of what a tan pink’s view of the world historically seems to be.  Conversely, tan pinks are notorious for being challenged in the area of viewing through other cultural colors. 
            We see and interpret the world through our skin color.
            Next we have the sex color: pink for girl, blue for boy, and lavender for a body/psyche mismatch.  Before someone mentally takes me to task for the lavender metaphor, please be reminded that we are all a ball of God’s Light about as big as a large marble, and we really have no sex – our sex merely being an assigned role to learn life’s different perspectives. 
            Anyway, a boy filter alters perception in additional ways.  A boy is expected to be tough and macho and should keep his feelings under control and…well, you’re all smart enough to recognize the pattern of this silliness. 
            Girls have a pink pair of spectacles and they are supposed to view the world in a Barbie-esque fashion. 
            Lavenders view the world uniquely too, and it’s usually with an extra scoop of apprehension and fear because many of the blues and the pinks have decided that lavenders are somehow evil.  I could tell you all about the life missions of lavenders, but that would just muddy up this story, and so let’s just accept lavenders with Love and move on.
            Now let’s look at the myriad other layers that block our view. 
            We all belong to a family. 
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We feel we honor our parents by adopting their views. 
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We all live in a country. 
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We all have our cultural roots somewhere.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We all have a personal view on God.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We discuss how to convert the unenlightened. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We watch the news. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We read the newspapers. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We value politics. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We pick sides. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We value money. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We acquire possessions. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We value power.  
                        Slap on another layer.
            We are afraid to be powerless.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We seek position. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We have fears. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We have insecurities. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We have failings. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            There are things we do well and are prideful of.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            There are things that we don’t do well and avoid.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re afraid that we don’t matter.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re afraid that life has no meaning.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re emotionally confused.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We’re spiritually adrift. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We are jealous. 
                        Slap on another layer.
            We are hateful and resentful.
                        Slap on another layer.
            We realize that we know nothing for certain, except for life’s illusions.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We are afraid to stand alone and seek truth for ourselves.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We need to be loved and accepted by others.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We are afraid that we are not loved and accepted by God.
                        Slap on another layer. 
            We are afraid that God is dead.
                        Slap on another layer.

            Can anyone see through this endless collection of overlapping spectacles that blurs, influences, adjusts and limits our sight?
            I challenge you to ask God to peel these things from in front of your eyes so that you may see the world as God meant you to see it.
            God’s Love is always there, patient and attentive. 
            You have merely to open the door and let it into your life.
            If you don’t embrace Love, you will never see God.

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