Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Argument Against the Existence of God

An Open Letter to a Person Who Publicly Mocks the Possibility That God Exists

After thinking about it for a little while, I've decided to prove YOUR side of the argument against God.

God CANNOT be proven, not by any person who has ever lived or will ever live.  God, whose intelligence far exceeds our own, has created every glimpse of Himself as deniable.  For every person who claims that they have proof or even the idea that He is provable, God Himself has created the counter argument against His existence.

God does not hold Himself accountable to our limited understanding of anything.  He disobeys our understanding of logic, and of science, and He Himself creates the best crafted arguments of His non-existence or non-interactivity.

No words can ever make Him real to another person, just as there are no words that I can use here that can make you TASTE a strawberry.  IF you have already tasted a strawberry, then my words can cause you to remember that experience, but I have no chance of CREATING that experience.

God is a PERSONAL thing and can only be understood or appreciated in the first person, and my sharing what I have seen, felt and experienced would mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to someone who didn't have at least some tiny inexplicable thing in their life that they accepted on faith.

No spiritual mystery in one's life = no common vocabulary and nowhere to build a discussion.  Logic LIVES in the left brain and God can only be experienced in the right brain, and although the journey would seem to be only a few inches, it takes people almost forever to get from one side of the inside of their own head to the other.

We LIVE the lives that we choose to create, whether they have God in them or not.  I accept that you choose to live without the possibility of God in your life.  So be it.

I assure you that NO ONE will ever be able to prove you wrong, and that is the power of free will that God has made even greater than the power of His Love.  God has created a universe where free will is the final trump card, and for whatever reason, your life has concluded not only that God doesn't exist, but that those who claim that He does are ... you fill in the conclusion.

For whatever reason, my life has been the complete OPPOSITE of yours in every aspect, because for me there has never been a doubt, and all of my supernatural experiences, some good and some deadly almost to terminal, have been experienced with open, undrugged, undelusional eyes.

I recognize that my life has no bearing upon your life, but you keep insisting that I must prove to you something that cannot be transmitted; it can only be experienced first hand.

Just as I cannot put the taste of a strawberry into your mouth with my words, I cannot put the possibility of God into your soul.

Only you can do that.

With that, I bow to your assertions that in your world God cannot be proven, I applaud the ironclad solidity of your assertions (for I know that God's free will makes your position unconquerable), and I retreat from the discussion, still sending well wishes and blessings.

But if you ever want to discuss that which cannot be proven because you have suddenly experienced that which cannot be proven, let me know.

Logic and faith are mutually exclusive, which is why almost no one has seen God's face.

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